S  T  O  N  E  H  E  N  G  E

Here are my photographs of Stonehenge. Since you are no longer allowed to walk right up to the stones and touch them (they are roped off and you have to follow the path around it) the place feels clinical and I couldn't get excited about taking photos! it's worth a visit so you can say you've been but if you're in the area I'd say visit the village of Avebury instead because the whole village is good looking with the church too, plus unlike Stonehenge you can actually walk around all the stones and actually touch them (and for free! You can pay to go in to the museum though). The pictures were taken on the 25th of March 2011

Click on any of the pictures below to see the full size picture or open the new page

Pic 01

Pic 02 (+1)

Pic 03

Pic 04

Pic 05

Pic 06 (+1)

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All photographs are © Copyright of John Webster at Decadence.me.uk do not copy or use without permission (contact)